Trade Lead Description:
We produce titanium coil and plate with 20-high Sendzimir cold rolling mill. The production process what we done include Ingot production-Slab- hot coil-cold coil and pcakge. The production facilities includes: Automatic Weighting Blending unit,12 ton Vacuum Plasma Welder, 12 Tons VAR, 45 MN Open-die Forging Press. Hot Rolling mill, and cold rolling mill, Blasting & pickling, Degreasing line, Stree Bending Leveler. Test machines:O/H/N Analyzer; Tensile Test machine, Metallographic Microscope, Hardness Measure, Carbon Sulfer Analyzer, Spectrum plasma Emission Spectrometer etc.
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Price / Incoterms Conditions: |
Not Specified |
Posted from China - Shaanxi on 6 June, 2016