We are wholesaler and distributor on Slovak market. We got sole right of sell for aircondition Fisher. We loking for strong supplier for us. We need long time cooperation, very good prices and served. We interested in a cameras Tvs large qt. We realized export and import with all hard trade mark pruduct /consumer electronics products, and kitchen electroniics, free stand and build in/
Please send me your offer price liist terms conddittions etc. Thank yor sstrategic partnerr in Miiddle est Eu. We are Supplier and Seller of: tvs, airconditioner, wasching maschine, refrigerators, freezer, dvds, cameras, sony ps 3, build in products. We are Buyer of: airconditioner, kitchen electroniics, tvs, cameras, dvdhome cinema, digital still camera, wasching maschine, frezzer, refrigerator. |