Company Name: DOLL-KITTY LTD.
The year business was established: 2010
Approx. Annual sales in US $: 250,000 to 1 million USD
Company's main export markets: Worldwide, South/East Asia, North America, Mid East, Central/South America, Europe, Australasia, Africa, Indian Subcontinent, Central Asia / CIS
Quality certifications your company received: CE, RoHS, SAA, MEPS, UL, ISO9000 and ISO9001 etc. Primary business: Dealer / Reseller
Type of Products Exported: Kinds of stylish Iphone cases
Digital Iphone case printer
Type of Services Provided: To offer infos about home appliances, phone cases and printing machines for overseas buyers
We are Supplier and Seller of: iphone 4 case, iphone 4s covers, iphone 5 case, phone covers, mobile phone cases, gift, present, souvenir, home appliances. |