Africa e-Waste can help you recover, resell, recycle, or return to lease your excess computer equipment in a secure and environmentally conscious manner that complies with local regulatory guidelines. To protect your company’s assets and reputation in this area, Africa e-Waste Asset Recovery Services help ensure that sensitive information does not fall into the wrong hands while also promoting environmental goals. Brand Protection - We can help you avoid the negative publicity that comes from a disposal process that goes wrong. Data Security - We help you protect sensitive data by overwriting readable hard drives through a 3-pass data wipe process and by shredding inoperable disks1. Environmental Awareness - Systems with no value are recycled in adherence with local regulatory guidelines such as the EWASA and Waste Bill39B-2007 legislation. Africa e-Waste sells all electronic equipment that is working and provides warranties in South Africa. We are Supplier and Seller of: second hand computers, cell phone parts, cell phones, second hand electronic equipment, servers, printers, projectors, multifunction units, laptops. We are Buyer of: computers, cell phone parts, cell phones, any electronic equipment, servers, printers, projectors, multifunction units, laptops. |