We are trader of all kind of scientific
and general lab testing instruments
like Cement Autoclave, BOD
Humidity Cabinet, High Temp. Oil
Bath, Muffle Furnace, Willy Mill, Ball
Mill, Water Bath,,Oven, High
Temp. Oven, Oven Vacuum, Seed
Germinater,,r, Rotap Shaker, Thin
Film Oven, Wet Sieve Shake, Procter Compaction, Automatic
Compacter for Soil, Direct Shear, CBR, Liquid Limit, Sample
Extruder, SPT, Static Cone
Penetrometer, Triaxial, Hydrometer, Jaw
Crusher, Pulvaliser, Lechatlier
App.,Vicat App.,Flow Table, Air
Entrainments Meter, Beam
Mould, Cube Mould, Cylinderical
Mould, Concrete Mixer Lab
Type, Compression Testing Machine, Proving Ring, Slump Test, Aggregate
Impact Tester, Aggregate Crushing
Tester, Los Angeles Abrasion
Tester, Scoopps, Tile Flexture, Tile
Abrasion, Slake Duability, Polishing &
Lapping Tester, Cone Drop Tester, Permeability Test, UTM for
Geotxtile, Centrifuge
Extractor, Ductility Tester, Marshall We are Supplier and Seller of: rock testing instruments, geotextile testing instruments, rubber testing instruments, cement testing instruments, concrete testing instruments, helmet testing instruments, plastic testing instruments. We are Buyer of: milestoneinstruments. |