OZAYLAR MACHINERY MANUFACTURING CO. is one of the well-known manufacturer company on Light Construction Machinery located in OSTIM Organized Industrial Zone in Ankara, Turkey. Our registered brandname is OZAYLAR and machines: Vibrating Tandem Rollers, Plate Compactors, Power Trowels, Asphalt & Concrete Cutting Machines, Rebar Cutting Machines, Rebar Bending Machines, Concrete Vibrators, Concrete Mixers. We are exporting to several countries in Middle East, Africa and Asia."Comparable superiority of our products can be counted namely: While our prices are entirely moderate and significantly more affordable compare to very famous European and American rivals, our quality is very good with the assurance of ISO 9001-2000 and CE Certificaitons. Engines inside our machineries are all world famous labels Honda, Hatz, Lombardini, Ruggerini. machines also have our 1 (One) year guarantee for spare parts and other malfunctions diagnose and maintenance. We are Supplier and Seller of: rebar bender machine, rebar cutting machine, vibrating roller, plate compactor, asphalt concrete cutting machine. |