Winpo Handbag Factory was established in 1993, it is located in Dong Guan, China. It’s subordinate to headquarter of Winpo Industries Limited in Hong Kong.
And we are mainly design and provided high quality of PVC, PU, Canvas, Jacquard, Polyester & Nylon fashion handbags, travel bags, shoulder bag, evening bag, backpack, wallets for different needs customers. We have almost 20-year rich experience in the handbag manufacturing, which enable us to make remarkable achievement in this field. We have worked for several big companies from Europe: Topshop, Lonsdale, Dunes, etc. Our products are exported to Europe, Australia, Japan and North America, etc. We have established an intimately cooperative relationship with customers all over the world. Our factory covers over 13,000 square meters manufactory site and with employment over 800 hundred people. And monthly capacity is over 300,000 pcs bags. We are Supplier and Seller of: handbags, travel bags, wallets, clutch bags, shoulder bags, backpack, pu handbags, pvc handbags, canvas handbag. |