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TianRui shoes factory |
Guangzhou Tianrui shoes factory was set up in 2002.From first hand-making to an advanced Italian euqipment production line today with over 500 workers, we specialize in lady leather shoes. Our annual production is 600000 pairs. Most of our products are designed by ourselves. We have our own experienced design team. Our shoes were exported to Europe, USA, Janpan and Korea etc."Wearing most confortable shoes in the world" is our dream. We are looking forward to cooperation with you and trying to supply you our best service. our factory website :http://gztianrui. en. alibaba. com. You can get more information from it. We are Supplier and Seller of: boot, dress shoe, fashion boots, high heel shoe, sandal, leather shoe, sandal, shoe, leather boot. |
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Contact Person: |
Xu Lina |
Job Title: |
Sale |
Location: |
China - Guangdong Companies from China Trade Leads from China Products from China |
Classification(s): | Footwear & Headgears - Footwear & Headgears |
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