Guangzhou Vantage (JinFan) Leather Goods Factory is an expert in producing high quality Fashion Handbags, Ladies Handbags, Travel Bags, Cosmetic Bag, Wallets, etc. in PU as well as in leather material, canvas, nylon, etc. Our facotry has over 5 years of experience in this field and is well known within the industry. Vantage Leather Goods Facoty runs a modern factory in Baiyun Distric, Guangzhou city, China. The factory is equipped with modern facilities and spacious workshops. The factory optimizes over experienced 100 workers to ensure that the customers' orders will be delivered on schedule. Vantage Leather Goods Facotry takes the advantage of the low production cost in China while makes use off the good infrastructures in Guangzhou to provide the best combination of price and products available to the customers.
As all the products made in the factory are for export, Vantage Leahter Goods Factory maintains a very high standard in quality control. The Facotry major exporting m We are Supplier and Seller of: handbags, wallets, travel bags, bags, luggages, ladies bag, briefcase, fashion handbag, promoational bags. |