NIFEMI EXTERNAL TRADE LIMITED was incorporated in Nigera in 1988; with primary aim to SELL Nigeria Products. In the recent times, we are more active in the MANUFACTURE of Melon Oil, Shea Butter, Sesame Seeds Oil, Cocoa Butter and Groundnut Oil. We are SUPPLIER of Tiger Nuts, Raw Cashew Nuts, Sesame seeds, Cocoa, Soya Beans, Shea Nuts, Palm Kernel Cake (PKC), Sea Cucumber, Ox Bile, Ox Bile Concentrate and Palm Kernel Shell (PKS). We also engage in the buying of PAPER, Agric Tools, Agric Chemicals Electric Vehicles and Tricycles. We are Supplier and Seller of: melon oil, peanut oil, cocoa butter, sesame seed oil, shea butter, tiger nuts, sea cucumber. We are Buyer of: agricultural tools, electric vehicle, fatilizer, food tools, form fill and seal machine, oil press, paper, razor. |