Established in 1999, Guangzhou Baiyun Huangshi Jianyou Leather Handbag Factory is a professional leather handbag manufacturer. Our products include ladies' handbags, purses, backpacks, briefcases and other related products.
According to our advantages, we focus high attention on every aspect including developing new items, purchasing raw materials, producing, packing, inspection and shipping so as to ensure that our high quality products can satisfy all customers. Furthermore, we have a good after-sales team to help our customer to resolve problems. We also have our own design department which guarantees that our products are upgraded to meet the needs of different markets. Moreover, we have the capacity of making exact samples as per clients' drafts or pictures.
With year's development, we have established good cooperation relationships with many customers, and our company and products have received a high reputation from them. We are looking forward to es We are Supplier and Seller of: handbag, ladys handbag, fashion bag, designed bag, travel bag, wallets, bags, mens bags, womens bags. |