Our company was established in the early 2002 year associated with the students abroad. we are a professional company of making any kinds of heat transfer printing machines and of supplying the related materials. Now we mainly produce some machines like: mug press, plate press, hat press, plated printer, jigsaw puzzle, photosensitice seal, crystal image machine, chestbadge, etc. what is more, each of the machine als has several styles. We also produce some large-scale pneumatic, water transfer technology, hydraulic trinting macine. at the same time, we wholesale flower printer and multifunctional digital printer, and so on. We are also the agent of some good quality supplies o foreign country. The supplies of heat transfer printing :AW dark and lignt-colored paper, transfer pringting paper, ink, heated picture, CD, books and periodicals, etc. these are the indispensable in your production. We are Supplier and Seller of: heat transfer, nail printer, crystal image machine, puzzle machine, mug press, plate press. |