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Stock Asset Management |
The Principals, Management Team, Sales Team & Associate Members of Barter Company Ltd T/A Stock Asset Management have in excess of 90 years collective experience in the management, sales and distribution of Asset Based Stock serving a business community that is spread around the globe. This gives us the ability to export product as per our suppliers requirement.
With a hands on approach, we service both the buyer and seller/stock owner sectors and in most cases exceeding our clients expectations. Our emphasis has always been on delivering both a service and stock that leave our clients with a positive and memorable experience. As a stock clearance platform, we are now one of the few major businesses in this field that deliver to hard contractual arrangements. We are Supplier and Seller of: washing machine, fridge, freezer, white goods, cookers stoves, washing machines, dishwashers, fridges freezers, returns. We are Buyer of: washing machines, fridges, freezers, fridge freezers, dish washers, white goods, retruns, end of line, cookers stoves. |
Europe.Bloombiz.com Tip: We always strongly recommend our members to strictly follow the traditional methods and rules of international trading before going into any deal with any party met over the internet. Such as getting prior company confirmation by phone, fax or by mail besides necessary cross checks done through the related local bodies like banks, chambers of commerce, related trade associations, etc. especially before realizing any money transaction. |
Contact Person: |
Tbc Barter |
Job Title: |
Location: |
UK - North Midshires Companies from UK Trade Leads from UK Products from UK |
Classification(s): | Consumer Electronics - TVs |
Primary Business Type(s): |
Importer / Exporter More Importers / Exporters... |
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