We are commercial ageny and trading office based in Alexandria - Egypt. We deal in chemicals for paint, paper, metallurgy, detergents, oil well drilling.
We represent: AVEBE Holland Cationic & oxidized starch
BBA Nonwoven Group Italy/USA Nonwovens
GIBCA Arab Emerates Precipitated Calcium carbonate
Ruby Macons India Paper machinery and Screen baskets
MITOP Czech Republic Felts for paper machines
Asia Fructose Thailand Native starch
Taywan Qiaoyou China Maleic anhydride
Hangzhou Yangli Petrochemical Co China Dicyclopentadiene
We also supply: Ethylene Glycols, styrene monomer, Acetic acid, Phthalic anhydride, isopropanol, ethanol amines, fumeric acid, Glycerine, stearic acid, calcium hypochlorite... etc
We welcome representing manufacturers of solvents, acrylonitriel or any other chemicals for above industries.
Please address any inquiries to: polaagen@hotma We are Supplier and Seller of: ethylene glycols, ethanol amines, maleic anhydride, dbp, pentaerythritol, caustic soda, precipitated ca co3, paper machinery, optical brightner. |