How Sky is a well-established bag based in China. We specialize in designing & crafting bags of all purposes in a wide variety of styles.
Boasting a factory occupying 2000㎡ & a whole set of manufacturing facilities, we make 100,000 pieces of bags every month. With a broad selection of bag components in stock, we can accommodate to even the smallest custom needs.
At How Sky, based on 11 years of accumulated experience & expertise, we offer our clients a one-stop service that includes everything from consultation to brand packaging.
We offer a wide variety of bags, including shopping bags, gift bags, carry-out bags, trade show bags, cooler bags, cosmetic bags, felt bags, canvas bags, insulated lunch bags, car trunk organizer, backpacks and more. We offer four imprint methods: flexographic ink, hot stamp, silk screen, and our high-resolution, four-color ColorVista process. We are honored to be a frequent recipient customer recognition. We are Supplier and Seller of: canvas bags, cosmetic bags, sports bags, school bags, lunch bags, shopping bags, bean bags, pet bags, green bags. |