Esitaş Elektrik Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. (Istanbul-TURKEY), as the parent company of the group with experience 30 years in the industry, produces and sells indoor and outdoor type, oil immersed and dry (cast resin) type Medium Voltage Current Transformers (Support, BusBar, Capacitive Layer and Bushing types), Medium Voltage Voltage Transformers (Double or Single Pole and Fused types), Low Voltage Current Transformers (Busbar, Toroidal/Ring and Cable types), Medium Voltage Insulators (Post, Bushing and Capacitive Layer types) and other customer designed products upon request. Our products are exported to 45 countries in the world market including Britain, Italy, Poland Germany, Romania, Bulgaria, Sweden, Portugal, Colombia, Thailand, Suudi Arabia, Lebanon,, Egypt, …etc. We are Supplier and Seller of: medium voltage current transformer, medium voltage voltage transformer, insulator, lv transformers, lcpt. |