B.I.S. Advanced Software Systems Ltd. is a leading provider of advanced data connectivity, transfer, and management software solutions for enterprise environments. Since 1987, over 800 enterprises worldwide have selected our B.I.S. NET-PASS™ technology, including the F.B.I, NASA, and HP. Our references/strategic partners include ITnet (Italy), Inter. net (multinational), 24 Scandinavia, Bezeqint, 012 Orange, and Cellcom 013 Netvision,. We offer innovative unified data access and mobility services that are compatible with the underlying strategic objectives of ISPs/MSPs and enterprise environments. Our
QBU™ CloudIUS product family generates VAS revenues from services/content with quick time-to-value, and creates improved ISP/MSP customer stickiness and innovation levels. B.I.S. provides software solutions for telecom operators (ISPs/MSPs) and enterprises. We offer a wide variety of PC platform solutions, with complementary mobile application solutions over the cloud, centralized acce