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![Kamal Nursery: Regular Seller, Supplier of: fruit plants, flowering plants, orchids, raphis palm, palms, rare plants, mango plants, seedlings, palm seeds.](https://media.tradeholding.com/logos/hash13/361485.jpg) | Kamal Nursery Kamal Nursery is grower and supplier of different varieties of plants starting from orchids to various kind of palms. They use cocopeat as growing medium so that it can be exported easily. Kamal Nursery have huge stock of different palms and palm see... We are Supplier and Seller of: fruit plants, flowering plants, orchids, raphis palm, palms, rare plants, mango plants, seedlings, palm seeds. Member since 4 November, 2008, India - West Bengal | | | No Logo | R.T.Distributors (Pvt) Ltd THE COMPANY
We have diversified ourselves to become a pioneering project for the export of Cut Foliage and so far we have gained recognition amongst many buyers who are interested in exploring this venture. OUR QUALITY STANDARDS
... We are Supplier and Seller of: sandriana varieties, cane palm, compatra vareities, codeline varieties, anthurium leaves, masingiana, livistonia, raphis. Member since 4 December, 2011, Sri Lanka - North Western | | | No Logo | Eco Terra Group Eco Terra produce variety of cut foliages and flowers. We are Supplier and Seller of: phoenix robellini, raphis excelsa, cica revoluta, cica circinallis, alpinia purpurata, alpinia zerumbet. Member since 29 September, 2009, Costa Rica - Heredia | Primary Business Type(s): Distributor / Wholesaler Buy & Sell Offers: 0 - No Current Trade Leads Products: 0 - No Current Products | |
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| No Logo | Mna Foliage We export in fresh natural cut foliages and cut leaves. We are Supplier and Seller of: sandriyana white foliageluckey bamboo, sandriyana victory foliage, sandriyana gold foliage, plam raphis cut leaf, crotens cut leaf, fern leaf, pleomele thalioide cut leaf, scindapsus aureus cut leaf, pleomele veriegata cut foliage. Member since 29 June, 2014, Sri Lanka - Western | | |
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