No Logo | Breeding Farm Hand-fed Baby and adult macaw, Cockatoos. Amazons, African Grey Parrots, Love Birds, Parakeets, Budgies, Bourkes, Cockatiels, Turqousines, Ringneck Doves, Quail, Lovebirds, Canary Birds & Finches, Toucan, Kakariki & more!.Proven pairs available. Plea... We are Supplier and Seller of: parrots fertile eggs exotic birds, parrots exotic birds macaw, double yellow head amazon, african grey congo, double yellow head amazons, macawsscarlet macaw, canary birds finches toucan kakariki, fertile eggs exotic birds cockatiel parrots finch and canary, canary birdsfinch birdslovebirds. Member since 14 January, 2016, Turkey - Istanbul |