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No Logo | Gsm Properites llc The number of energy service companies in the United States is quickly approaching the thousands. That figure is shadowed only by the number of complaints against these companies. Choosing a supplier to service your account shouldn't be a game of 'Wh... We are Supplier and Seller of: rfps, electirc, hotels, natural gas, telecom, watersewer, deregulated energy, goverment, schools. Member since 19 October, 2007, US - Oregon | | | No Logo | Tenderszeal TENDERSZEAL. com is an International / Global Tenders Notification Service that keeps you abreast with latest information on Global Tender Notices, International Projects Information, Procurement Forecast, RFP's, RFQ's, EOI, RFI, Pre-Qualification an... We are Supplier and Seller of: tender notification service, rfps, rfqs, global tenders notification service, procurement forecast, pre-qualification, contract awards, eoi, rfi. Member since 26 May, 2009, India - Delhi | Primary Business Type(s): Trading Company Buy & Sell Offers: 0 - No Current Trade Leads Products: 0 - No Current Products | |
| | No Logo | Fuerte Consult Fuerte Consult is a young Romanian company specialized in offering management consultancy services to entities interested in having their ideas fully or partially financed by national and/or international institutions. Based in Cluj-Napoca we have ga... We are Supplier and Seller of: grant writing, porposal writing, business plan, market research, business analysis, rfp, rfi. Member since 13 July, 2010, Romania - Cluj | | |
| No Logo | Tenderzville-Portal We offer e-tendering services to procuring entities, and link them to suppliers at a fee. Suppliers are then able to subscribe to tenders in our website, and can participate on tenders that are purely managed, evaluated and awarded online. We are Supplier and Seller of: tenderzville, e-rfp, e-auction, e-rfq, e-rfi. Member since 24 June, 2014, Kenya - Nairobi Area | | |
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